A friend of mine, SGT Larmer, was telling me this is pretty rare, and I know it's a bit hard to see it in the pictures, but there is a rainbow in the night sky, given off by the light of the moon. In fact there is a complete ring around the moon. If I had a camera and a different lens I could have tried to capture it, but as it is I couldn't
back away far enough to get it; but you CAN see the faint light arc above the moon in what I did manage to snap! The middle picture is probably the best one, you can make out the color change from inside to out, infrared to indigo.
I felt a little dumb... it's the kind of 'happening' that normally I would have liked to tell Natalie, take her outside and hold her hand and sit out in the yard staring and talking. But she's not in Afghanistan with me, so I went and got SSG Baker (my squad
you are too sweet! i wish we were together to enjoy that bit of creation! you made me laugh out loud, though, with your 'not hand-holding' bit :)