Thursday, October 15, 2009

Years Behind...

So it's taken me WAY too long to get into the blog sphere... and for some reason I feel that I owe everyone an apology for that.

Natalie's blog has inspired me to attempt to 'catch-up' and since I'm in Afghanistan now this seems like the perfect time for me to give online updates about the goingson in my life.

I will do my best to provide text and photos that give you an idea of what I'm doing, what we're doing, and some just to let people remember what I look like :) I will do my best not to provide anything that will be 'scary'... so no one should be afraid to stop by and check out what's going on with me.

Now I guess all that's left is to see how I do at keeping it all up to date...
Wish me luck and report back often to see how things are going!


  1. in case anyone reads this who cares about my blog and doesn't already read it:

  2. About time you got to blogging. haha
